
I'm on TV, Kinda!

So the she type made a BIG mistake when she did not blog last Wednesday.  She gave me some excuse of trying to get a house ready for sale, which is totally bogus because she is doing nothing inside of our house on wheels.  The good news is she tried to make up for it by creating a YouTube channel just for us crazy cats who play on kayak toys and other type of water toys that people use.

Now that makes her mistake of last week a little better, but she finally won me over with telling me her full plan.  She wants to find video and stories of other cats like me so I can interview them and put their story and video on my blog and YouTube.

After she got Stealth and I all excited about this good news she then told me it would take a few weeks to get everything going, but she is going to start looking for cats for me to interview now.  Humpffffffff!  Get us all excited then deflate us poor kittens like that.  How Rude!

For today we are putting up some of our favorite pictures and a video that links to our new YouTube channel that needs MUCH work.  If anyone knows other water cats like us please share your knowledge.

Until the next adventure,
Shadow, Stealth, and Sarah


  1. A youtube channel sounds like such fun!

  2. Looking good, Shadow...and looks like Stealth is settling in!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

    1. Yes. We have become best of friends.

  3. told my friend Martha about your new venture. She has three rescue cats just chock full of purrsonality. LeeAnna

  4. That is a great idea. You probably already know Bailey and Pacific Purrsea. And Purrseidon doesn't kayak, but she loves water.

    1. I have met Pawcific Purrsea and Purrseidon. I do not remember meeting Bailey. Thank you for the suggestions.

  5. Sounds like a great idea, Kayak and Stealth! You are lucky your mom loves you so much. Have fun!

  6. Your Youtube channel is going to be pawsome! I will have to check it out once you get it going. Your water toy adventures are so fun! :)
