

They say it's the month to be thankful, but I say it is a life to be thankful for.  If thankful is an attitude that makes me more content in life I want to choose to be thankful always.  Some things us kitties are thankful for.  We are thankful for paws that allow us to walk side by side.


A Dilema

 One never knows what to expect when Saturday is a sleepy day.  Sometimes that means no day to play outside, but we were resting up Saturday just in case Sunday ended up being a play day.  Plus napping is one of our favorite things to do.


A Week of Reflection.

Hey Shadow!
Yes Stealth........
It's been quite a boring week since we did not get to go play outside last week.  Do you think we will get to play outside this week?

I hope so Stealth.  I cannot handle you running around me for much longer.  You wear me out.  Since the she type is feeling better there is a chance we may get to go play.